dry cough sore throat fatigue

What's causing that cough? 10 causes and how to deal with them.
Discover 2 possible causes for Dry cough,Fatigue,Hacking cough including Flu Overview, Pneumothorax (Collapsed Lung). Get Sore Throat & Cough Help!
Discover 4 possible causes for Cough,Dry cough,Fatigue including Flu Overview, Emphysema. CepacolĀ®: Instant-Acting Relief with our Sore Throat Lozenges!
Jun 15, 2012. The Common Cold: Common: Cough, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, sneezing; Sometimes: Fatigue, aches/pains; Rarely: Fever, itchy eyes.
Cold/Cough/Flu - Take Care Clinic.
dry cough sore throat fatigue
Viruses: Symptoms and Causes - Wellness.com.
Flu symptoms in adults: How to tell the flu from a cold - Boots WebMD.
A cough is a symptom, not a disease, and is the body's way of removing. Coughs are either productive (produces phlegm or mucus) or nonproductive (dry and. or sore throat, coughing and sneezing, loss of voice, mild headache, fatigue, .
Sore throat: Symptoms - MayoClinic.com.
Sore throat won't go away - SteadyHealth.com.
dry cough sore throat fatigue
Symptom Search for Dry cough, Burping, Sore throat on Yahoo! Health.I have terrible sore throat/green phlegm/cough/fatigue/runny.